Say Good Bye To Thigh Fat

True Story. Fit Fem'rs, I'm about to reveal to you some of my past that haunts me till this day. I can't believe I'm opening up like this. It's a bit embarrassing and I literally want to cry when I think about it. As you know, I was always chubby, well, fat growing up. I hated being fat. I wish I could show you some pictures of me growing up but they are hidden somewhere in my house and have yet to be surfaced.  And thank God, I really don't want to be reminded.
Anyhow, being fat didn't discourage me from playing some sports in middle school. I played volleyball and basketball and I actually was pretty good. I'll never, ever, ever, forget this day. It was after school and we had a basketball game with a rival Catholic school. I played defense and as I was running down the court to get on our defense, my thighs rubbed together causing me to trip, fall and sprain an ankle. I swear!!! At 11 years old!! HORRIFYING!!! Do you know how awful that feels that (1) I couldn't run fast enough because I had too much weight to carry and (2) I fell because of my thigh jigglies!! SAY WHAT!!! I mean, yea, it's kinda funny when I think back on it, but I honestly get so sad…I told that thigh fat girl Sylvia so long and farewell. Never again will I have thigh jigglies.
So many women longingly wish to Reduce thigh fat and to finally improve their fitness. Whatever your motivation to say goodbye to thigh fat: the itty bitty bikini bottom, short shorts, skinny jeans,  or just to fit better into clothes, I had to include a thigh fat blasting routine as part of your Fit Fem Flash series. Maybe you want to try out more of the daring fashion trends out there, but just do not seem to have the figure to suit the outfits that well. Well, if you are one of these women who dread big thighs, the good news is that there is indeed a way to Burn thigh fat. The methods that will be enumerated in this article will, however, need a lot of patience, perseverance and dedication from you to allow you to effectively and efficiently reach your goal.
In addition to your Fit Fem Flash series I'm about to offer you, I'm adding my two cents on saying goodbye to thigh fat. So, what is one way to say goodbye to thigh fat? One of the most effective ways, which indeed makes you break into a sweat and gain peak fitness, is to do a lot of cardio. Sorry if you hate cardio but it's a necessary evil.  One of the initial steps for you to eventually lose those heavy thighs is to burn the calories off. Typically, you will have to burn around 3,000 calories to burn a pound of fat. So, you could do some light jogging to start off your cardio process. After your body adapts, take this jogging into another level, and start running for longer amounts of time. In no time, you will realize that you can officially say goodbye to thigh fat and improve your fitness significantly.

Another way to say goodbye to thigh fat is to start lifting some weights. This helps to not only strengthen your thighs, and body in general, but it also helps to tone your thighs. Exercising with weights will help you eventually lose calories even when you are not exactly exercising. Yes, you burn even at rest! How fantastic is that? The recommended exercises to do to say goodbye to thigh fat would be to do some simple squats with weights in your hands, or some simple lifts. These methods would indeed raise your metabolic rate to high levels, which would allow you to lose significant amounts of calories, and therefore fat allowing you to eventually gain fitness.
Swimming a lot is also known to allow you to effectively lose leg fat and develop your fitness. Exercises having to do with the water will help strengthen your legs. As is the case with lifting weights, swimming can also tone your leg muscles. Swimming exercises are usually ideal for those who are having difficulty lifting weights.
Lastly, you could lose thigh fat by making some small adjustments in your diet. You could shift to more organic and fiber-enriched foods, getting rid of modified starches. That means cake, cookies, breads, pasta, and sugar in your coffee.  This will help you lose calories you don't even realize you are ingesting and improve your fitness.
Here it is; my Fit Fem Flash Series - Good Bye Thigh Fat, an under 5 minute fitness routine…NO EXCUSES!! Perform these for 20 seconds with 10 second breaks in between for 2 rounds.
  • Lateral Squat – burn off the outer thigh fat with this awesome butt and hip blasting exercise. Start by standing up straight with legs hip wide apart and abdominals contracted. Holding your body straight up, step over to the right, bending your knee and keeping your knees and toes facing forward.  Push off of your right foot, particularly off your heel, and return back to the starting position. Alternate between legs.  Make sure your chest is open and you're your butt sticking out .
  • Walking Lunge – so simple yet so effective. Again standing up straight, place your hands on your hips or behind your head, take a large step forward where your front leg is bent at about a 90 degree angle, and your back knee is parallel to the floor almost reaching the floor.  Pull yourself up with your front leg and return back to starting position.  Now, switch to the other side by stepping forward with your other leg and performing the same movement.  Repeat this walking across the room.  Do this at a comfortable yet challenging pace.
  • Step-up – Using an aerobic bench, a sturdy chair or a flight of stairs, take your right foots and step up onto whichever platform you are using. Make sure though that the bench, chair or stairs are high enough for you to feel the challenge. Use you left foot to step-up onto an aerobic step or the bottom stair.  Step back down, and switch feet and step-up.
  • Scissor Kicks – Lie down on your back with your arms extending at the side of you, palms down. Extend your legs up at about 45 degrees, point your toes and quickly open and close legs, criss crossing them – right leg over left then left leg over right. You will definitely feel the burn in those inner thigh jigglies.
By religiously adapting this fitness plan, you will be able to say sayonara to your large thighs and say hello to life of health and fitness.  SWEET!

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