Exercise To lose Thigh fat

The most important way to Reduce thigh fat is to exercise to lose thigh fat. Most people don't like to work out and find it a complete nuisance. The problem with that though is that thigh fat is a tricky fat much like stomach fat and it needs to be burned off from both dieting and exercises.
Best Exercises For Losing Thigh Fat
Out of all the exercise I found to be beneficial towards getting rid of thigh weight, these worked the best for me.
Exercise #1) walk 30-60 minutes day
Walking not only burns fat in your thighs, but it also helps turn your thigh fat in thigh muscle.
Exercise #2)  Biking. Did you know that riding a bike is one of the greatest exercise to help build your thigh muscles?
Exercise #3)  Swimming. When you swim you work out every muscle in your body! Swimming is especially great for tightening up your legs! My thigh weight seemed to burn extra fast from swimming in my public gyms pool!

Exercise #4)  Squats. This little exercise will work out your thighs to a new level! It is like a push-up for  your legs. This exercise not only burns your thigh weight, BUT it also create a sexy buttox  .
More Exercises to Burn thigh fat
1) Lying leg curls
Lie on your abdomen with your face down on a hamstring machine, hold the hand grips, and keep your feet on the weights that are attached. Breathe in while you curl up the weight carefully as you move your feet in the direction of your butt. Do this for 10 times and then relax. After this you can repeat it several times in batches of ten. Do not let your buttock to curve upward when you the weight to your back. This lying leg curl workout exercises your hamstrings in order to burn thigh fat.
2) Standing leg curl
Stand up straight, and let you feet be placed at a distance of shoulder's width from each other. Move your left foot in a move to touch your buttocks. Do this again and again until you become almost exhausted. You can use machines at gym to have an additional resistance when you exercise. Wearing ankle weights will also provide increased resistance.
Exercising is one of the best weighs to burn thigh weight. Be sure to start exercising a couple of times a day to turn your fatty thights into muscular sexy thighs!
Be sure to check out this blog to lose thigh fat today and to learn more exercises to lose thigh weight Exercise To Lose LEG Fat

Say Good Bye To Thigh Fat

True Story. Fit Fem'rs, I'm about to reveal to you some of my past that haunts me till this day. I can't believe I'm opening up like this. It's a bit embarrassing and I literally want to cry when I think about it. As you know, I was always chubby, well, fat growing up. I hated being fat. I wish I could show you some pictures of me growing up but they are hidden somewhere in my house and have yet to be surfaced.  And thank God, I really don't want to be reminded.
Anyhow, being fat didn't discourage me from playing some sports in middle school. I played volleyball and basketball and I actually was pretty good. I'll never, ever, ever, forget this day. It was after school and we had a basketball game with a rival Catholic school. I played defense and as I was running down the court to get on our defense, my thighs rubbed together causing me to trip, fall and sprain an ankle. I swear!!! At 11 years old!! HORRIFYING!!! Do you know how awful that feels that (1) I couldn't run fast enough because I had too much weight to carry and (2) I fell because of my thigh jigglies!! SAY WHAT!!! I mean, yea, it's kinda funny when I think back on it, but I honestly get so sad…I told that thigh fat girl Sylvia so long and farewell. Never again will I have thigh jigglies.
So many women longingly wish to Reduce thigh fat and to finally improve their fitness. Whatever your motivation to say goodbye to thigh fat: the itty bitty bikini bottom, short shorts, skinny jeans,  or just to fit better into clothes, I had to include a thigh fat blasting routine as part of your Fit Fem Flash series. Maybe you want to try out more of the daring fashion trends out there, but just do not seem to have the figure to suit the outfits that well. Well, if you are one of these women who dread big thighs, the good news is that there is indeed a way to Burn thigh fat. The methods that will be enumerated in this article will, however, need a lot of patience, perseverance and dedication from you to allow you to effectively and efficiently reach your goal.
In addition to your Fit Fem Flash series I'm about to offer you, I'm adding my two cents on saying goodbye to thigh fat. So, what is one way to say goodbye to thigh fat? One of the most effective ways, which indeed makes you break into a sweat and gain peak fitness, is to do a lot of cardio. Sorry if you hate cardio but it's a necessary evil.  One of the initial steps for you to eventually lose those heavy thighs is to burn the calories off. Typically, you will have to burn around 3,000 calories to burn a pound of fat. So, you could do some light jogging to start off your cardio process. After your body adapts, take this jogging into another level, and start running for longer amounts of time. In no time, you will realize that you can officially say goodbye to thigh fat and improve your fitness significantly.

Another way to say goodbye to thigh fat is to start lifting some weights. This helps to not only strengthen your thighs, and body in general, but it also helps to tone your thighs. Exercising with weights will help you eventually lose calories even when you are not exactly exercising. Yes, you burn even at rest! How fantastic is that? The recommended exercises to do to say goodbye to thigh fat would be to do some simple squats with weights in your hands, or some simple lifts. These methods would indeed raise your metabolic rate to high levels, which would allow you to lose significant amounts of calories, and therefore fat allowing you to eventually gain fitness.
Swimming a lot is also known to allow you to effectively lose leg fat and develop your fitness. Exercises having to do with the water will help strengthen your legs. As is the case with lifting weights, swimming can also tone your leg muscles. Swimming exercises are usually ideal for those who are having difficulty lifting weights.
Lastly, you could lose thigh fat by making some small adjustments in your diet. You could shift to more organic and fiber-enriched foods, getting rid of modified starches. That means cake, cookies, breads, pasta, and sugar in your coffee.  This will help you lose calories you don't even realize you are ingesting and improve your fitness.
Here it is; my Fit Fem Flash Series - Good Bye Thigh Fat, an under 5 minute fitness routine…NO EXCUSES!! Perform these for 20 seconds with 10 second breaks in between for 2 rounds.
  • Lateral Squat – burn off the outer thigh fat with this awesome butt and hip blasting exercise. Start by standing up straight with legs hip wide apart and abdominals contracted. Holding your body straight up, step over to the right, bending your knee and keeping your knees and toes facing forward.  Push off of your right foot, particularly off your heel, and return back to the starting position. Alternate between legs.  Make sure your chest is open and you're your butt sticking out .
  • Walking Lunge – so simple yet so effective. Again standing up straight, place your hands on your hips or behind your head, take a large step forward where your front leg is bent at about a 90 degree angle, and your back knee is parallel to the floor almost reaching the floor.  Pull yourself up with your front leg and return back to starting position.  Now, switch to the other side by stepping forward with your other leg and performing the same movement.  Repeat this walking across the room.  Do this at a comfortable yet challenging pace.
  • Step-up – Using an aerobic bench, a sturdy chair or a flight of stairs, take your right foots and step up onto whichever platform you are using. Make sure though that the bench, chair or stairs are high enough for you to feel the challenge. Use you left foot to step-up onto an aerobic step or the bottom stair.  Step back down, and switch feet and step-up.
  • Scissor Kicks – Lie down on your back with your arms extending at the side of you, palms down. Extend your legs up at about 45 degrees, point your toes and quickly open and close legs, criss crossing them – right leg over left then left leg over right. You will definitely feel the burn in those inner thigh jigglies.
By religiously adapting this fitness plan, you will be able to say sayonara to your large thighs and say hello to life of health and fitness.  SWEET!

To Lose Belly Fat

Beauty is the heart's desire of everyone. Every person wants to have a fit body in good shape. But a fat belly always spoils the show. It deteriorates one's personality. If you are among those people who are troubled because of their belly fat, have done many efforts but none of them worked, then, go through the following account. It will help you by telling how to lose leg fat
If you have taken all the steps to get rid of the belly fat but all your efforts have failed, then the reason is that your approach is erroneous. To have a flat belly, it is not necessary that you have to reduce eating to the starving extent, undergo a surgery or do numerous sit-ups. You can lose your belly fat by following the methods that are listed below-
First thing is to understand the risks that are linked to belly fat. Diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular problems are such risks. In order to avoid these grave diseases, it becomes necessary to lose belly fat.

Making changes in your diet is an important step in the direction of losing belly fat. Without restricting your calorie intake, it will be very difficult for you to lose belly fat. Include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low fat dairy and the like in your meal. If your intake is of higher ratio of monounsaturated fats like nuts, soyabean, avocado etc. then accumulation of belly fat can be prevented. Avoid intake of Trans fats like cookies, margarines or anything that contains partially hydrogenated oils which deposit more fat in the abdomen. Insulin levels are lowered by soluble fibers like oats, apples etc. It reduces cortisol's presence in the stomach. More belly fat is burnt by Mono Unsaturated Fatty Acids. It is found in avocado, nuts and seeds like cashew, peanut etc., soyabean oil and the like.
Your drinks are as important as your food. If you regularly consume alcohol or alcoholic drinks, then your belly fat will be a constant problem. Try to have water, green tea or lemon drink most of the time in order to help yourself against the belly fat.
Doing aerobics to lose belly fat also facilitates the loss of fat from your belly and the whole body. Concentrate on calorie-burning exercises than crunches or sit-ups.
Keep using a fat caliper once in every fortnight. You must feel happy if the trend goes down. This is a nice method of measuring body fat. Measure your waist in every fortnight. You will feel encouraged to see your clothes getting loose. Thus, it is necessary to be motivated all the time to beat the belly fat.
Keep a track of your progress so that you can understand where do you stand and work for losing the belly fat. The above mentioned methods are not very complicated ones until and unless you are determined to get rid of your belly fat. Now, you are well acquainted about how to lose belly fat, so start today itself and gain the body in perfect shape, so that anyone who looks at you can't help appreciating you and your gorgeous personality.

Burning Fat from stomach

You don't gain a flat stomach by doing hundreds of crunches a day. So with that said, do you want to fit in your skinny jeans 11 days from now? Then read this article and discover the absolute best way to lose stomach fat.
Losing stomach fat is important, not just because it's not sexy to look at but because this stored fat surrounds vital organs and is linked to an increase in high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease. Whether you've reached the age where you can't stop putting on weight around the waist area or you always had difficulty with storing fat around the stomach area all your life, YOU CAN get rid of it.
Best Way To Lose Stomach Fat
But first, what causes stomach fat? The obvious answer to this question is too much food and little or no exercising. But the specific answer to this question is that if you eat too many simple carbs (cakes, biscuits, candy etc.) and too many bad fats (i.e. saturated fats) you increase fat storage in your stomach.
Diet Tips for losing stomach fat
No amount of abs exercises will work to give you a great stomach if the muscles are hidden underneath a layer of fat. So start off with your diet. Start to eat smaller portions of food, eat 4 times a day.
Choose lean protein as is converts quicker into muscle and most of the protein you eat is burnt off before it has a chance to turn to fat. Learn red meat, chicken (no skin) and low-fat dairy products are all excellent sources of lean protein and are low in calories. Choose complex carbohydrates (especially the whole-grain kind) - whole grain bread, whole grain pasta and rice but go easy on any fat you have with them (dairy sauces, butter and cheese). Avoid sugary foods, they increase the insulin levels in your blood which increases the risk of fat storage around the stomach area.

Finally choose plenty of green vegetables along with your quota of lean protein and small portions of complex carbohydrates. Make sure you include, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, cabbage - the richer in colour, the better.
Exercise Tips for losing stomach fat
I know the dreaded words, EXERCISE, but a little over a long period of time, will work wonders for your stomach fat!!
The best way to lose stomach fat is through choosing a short intensive cardio workout for example jumping rope.
An excellent cardio exercise is necessary to reach the greatest metabolic rate of response. Start off slowly on the rope then increase the speed of jumping to increase heart rate followed by slower jumping and repeating process for several more minutes. It's important to vary the intensity during the exercise as this way you burn up more calories.
So there you have it: The real secret to losing excess stomach fat and gaining a leaner and sexier tummy is to combine this well-balanced diet with this type of intense, full body cardio training. This program is a much better plan of attack than just doing high volumes of abs workouts a day.


How To Lose Thigh Fat And Reduce Thigh Fat Naturally

Lot's of people are more and more confused about how to lose leg fat. They just need to know the best way to go about getting the body they dream of. They need to know what works and what doesn't, and why. There are thousands of people slaving away in gyms and fitness centers around the world right now.
They are working daily, on the treadmill, stair-climber, elliptical, etc. to burn that stubborn leg fat. They also might be lifting weights several times a week for hours at a time to build some strength and muscle. They might even join a few aerobics or spinning classes too. In short they are trying everything.
They are probably also trying one of the latest diet strategies that promises miracle fat burning and weight loss. They could also be spending a lot of money on the latest and greatest dietary supplements that could be that miracle pill that will aid in weight loss. They are also carefully watching the scale as their main judge of fat loss progress.

If it goes up a pound or two, they may behave rashly and maybe even change up their entire workout or diet program! And of course there are others are doing variations on that same theme.
After all, this is the kind of stuff that many of the popular fitness and diet gurus typically recommend to burn leg fat. But with so many different strategies and plans being pushed as the be all and end all, what happens is we tend to overboard.
And when that happens, we lose sight of what really matters in achieving lifelong fat burning, fitness and health…the principles than many people don't know about, most people have forgotten, and only a select few put to use to achieve lifelong health and fitness. These are the same principles I used to drop over 40 pounds of unwanted body fat, keep it off, and revitalize my life!
With any exercise or nutrition program, you'll probably lose some fat initially, but far too often the progress doesn't continue or doesn't come as fast as the person would like because they're using a temporary mindset. They're only focused on the short term and one specific goal. So they end up switching to something else, and the cycle continues until they've become consumed by this cycle of confusion.
I believe that this is one of the biggest, if not the #1 reason for the lack of fat loss and fitness progress that is being experienced by the masses of exercisers and dieters in the world. They are jumping from one fad diet or exercise routine to another, while losing sight of what's really important, and what really works.
Simply put, they are exercising far too much, not nearly intensely enough, and trying to adhere to unrealistic diet recommendations.
If instead they focused on a long term plan, a lifestyle as it's often called, and didn't worry about “losing 10 pounds by summer”, they would find it far easier to do the right things most of the time.

Math is Not Hard

As a math tutor for 15 years, what I found in more than 80% of the students I met? They have something very common in all of them, that is, they all say, "the mathematics is very hard." Why most of the students find mathematics a hard subject and try to avoid it?
The answer for the above question is hidden in a simple explanation. I always give an example to my students, and giving the same example in this article, the example of staircase, we use to reach the different floors of high-rise buildings. These days, all high-rise buildings are equipped with elevators, but they must have stairs to use in case of emergencies. Consider this high-rise has stairs only and no elevators, for the purpose of the article.
As you know, to reach any of the higher floors from the ground level, we can't jump from ground to reach higher floors, or if we try we will fail and probably will hurt ourselves. You might agree that it is very hard (impossible) to jump to second floor from the ground. So, we use stairs to reach the higher floors in a building. What, if the stairs are broken? Can we still make it to our destination floor with the same ease and comfort? Think about it, and compare the math classes or grades to steps in the stircase and whole mathematics to the high-rise building.
Now, the kindergarten, first grade and second grade are like first couple of the steps of the whole staircase to the math high-rise and you can learn this level of math easily and anytime, same as you can jump enough to take yourself to second or third step of the staircase with ease. Also, if you are smart enough, you can learn the kindergarten to grade three or probably grade four math, easily. As it is very hard to reach sixth or seventh step of a staircase by jumping from the ground, exactly the same way to learn grade five or higher grade math is very hard (or impossible most often) without having the good knowledge of the kindergarten to grade three or grade four math

Now, consider one person is jumping on the ground to reach the third floor of a building, can he make it? Never, if he is not Spiderman. For this person, to reach the third floor by jumping is impossible or very hard and he will give up after trying it for some time. But another person used the stairs to reach the same floor and found it very easy and reach there with little effort. Exactly the same way if a student has all the basic knowledge, he/she obtained in elementary grades, with him/her, then he/she is, let's say, at fifth step already and he/she need not to jump to go to the sixth step, actually the student can do it easily by taking one step to the next level. On the other hand another student is in grade six and doesn't know the lower grade math concepts such as, times tables, factors or number system. This student is in the same situation as the person trying to reach to third floor from ground level by jumping.
I think, its very clear now that mathematics in each grade have the same importance and it lives with us and support us always, (not like a person but like our eyes or other senses, it helps us to succeed in life). So, whichever grade you are in, start focusing yourself on math. Ask your teacher lots of questions. Keep asking until you are not clear about the concepts or topics you are working on. Each grade act as a step in the whole staircase to the mathematics high-rise building, and performing poor in math in any grade is like breaking one step in the whole staircase which will make the whole staircase risky or scary to use in the future.
So, what it takes to be smart in mathematics? My answer is, keep yourself focused on math in each and every level of your studies. Participate in the class math practice sessions. Ask your teacher lots of questions until you are not clear about any concepts taught by your teacher in the math class. Mathematics is a subject which demands lots of practice on solving the problems on paper rather than reading them only.
As in case of Social Studies taking more readings make you smart, in case of math practicing lots of problems and solving them by hand makes you smart. To practice math problems math workbooks are the good source, when you learn a concept in a workbook, then in the same book you have more problems to practice on the same concept you just learned. Another good method to practice mathematical concepts is using math worksheets and you can print math worksheets free of charge from the web.
Finally, choice is yours, you can choose the jumping method to reach your math destination or you can use right and proven path to reach your math destination. The right and proven path to math destination has the following steps:
* Start learning math as soon as you start your kindergarten * Focus in your math classes, listen to your teacher * Ask your teacher lots of question until you are not clear about the concept, you are learning * Practice, practice and practice. For this you can use math worksheets or math workbooks.
If you take the proven path, one day you might say, "Math is not hard."

How to Make Lemon CheeseCake?

How to make lemon cheese cakeReceiving a diagnosis of diabetes usually means a change in lifestyle and diet.  If you are like me--I have a terrible sweet tooth!--I had this mental image of all things sweet and good disappearing from my diet.  Imagine my surprise to discover this is not true.  In fact, doctors and nutritionists recommend eating fresh fruit.  And there are manyways to make delicious diabetic desserts.  As with all foods, we diabetics have to watch our portions and even more so with sweets.  Do not make this cheesecake and eat it all before bedtime!  But incorporated into a healthy diet, you should be able to enjoy it.  With its sugar-free ingredients and fresh fruits, it is healthy and tasty enough for anyone!

1 1/4 graham cracker crumbs
1/4 cup Splenda granular

1/3 cup butter, melted

1 pkg (3-oz) sugar-free lemon gelatin mix

2/3 cup boiling water

2 bars (8-oz each) light cream cheese

6-oz. lite/firm silken tofu

grated rind of 1 lemon

juice of 1 lemon

1 cup sugar-free frozen whipped topping, thawed

Fresh fruit of your choice, optional

In a small mixing bowl combine the graham cracker crumbs, Splenda, and melted butter until mixed together well.  Using the back of a large spoon, press the mixture on the bottom and up the sides of an 8-inch springform pan.  Chill the crust for about ten minutes.
In a blender container mix the lemon gelatin mix and the hot water; slowly add in the cream cheese and the tofu.  Continue to mix until smooth.  Pour the mixture into a large mixing bowl and add the lemon rind, lemon juice and the thawed topping.  Pour into the prepared pan, smoothing the top.  Chill for 4 hours or more.  Before serving garnish with more whipped topping and fresh fruit/fruits of your choice, if desired.

*If you cannot use crumbs made from graham crackers, make your crumbs from sugar-free butter cookies or sugar-free vanilla wafers.

Serves 12

Why are we superstitious

Everyone has a superstition or two. Whether it's wearing a specific tie to a job interview or growing a playoff beard to coincide with your team growing one, superstitions are a part of our lives.
Why do we have superstitious? What makes us want to repeat a task or have some sort of special clothing or item that we need to make us feel like everything is going to be alright?
why are we so superstitious? 
its in our blood and culture to hug superstitions and stereotypes. As we progress furthur in time, the same things that were regarded as ominous signs of trouble by our gandparents or their grandparents, are now impractical ideology for us youth. That is because of the exposure we have regarding the nature of the world. and furthurmore, we live in a very opinionated world. 
Passing a anti-superstition law does not mean anything for a commoner who hardly cares about reading the newspaper. Laws and policies are recognised more in the urban, educated society, but maybe not to a villager in some distant village where black magic, witches and so on are an integral part of their lifestyle. 
I;m not saying that urbanites are totally derived of being superstitious, apparenty not...with the biggest filmmakers terrified of certain dates and time. Haven't it been for superstitions, nobody would check their horoscopes either, be it on Yahoo.

How do you define a superstition ? One man's faith can be another man's superstition. What is required is to ensure that criminal practices carried out in the garb of faith are stopped. This again is a contentious issue. Yes, human sacrifices are inhuman. But essentially it simply reflects the desire of one man to acquire whatever he needs in a Machiavellian manner. Big leaders and terrorists also do the same thing, killing humans to achieve their ends. They don't use the cover of 'tantrik' , but in their case they have 'ideologues' and political analysts, etc. 
Essentially this all shows that people are selfish.

The real reason sports fan have so many superstitions is that they help us feel like we're in control. There's nothing worse than just to sit and watch your team fail. In the big moments of the game we want to feel like somehow, in some little way, we were partially responsible. It's our way of being part of the team, to show our support, and have a belief that our teams will always prevail.
Maybe I really can't control the game, but I can control my superstitious behaviors. If we can't believe in superstitions then what can we believe in? I know that statement sounds ridiculous, but superstitious are just our beliefs; transformed into a manner that allows us never to waiver in our thought process.
There are thousands of superstitions in our life like but i have list 10 most common superstitious things in our life.


Sports superstitions 

Athletes are a rare bunch. This might be the least debatable statement in this entire article. Depending on the sport, there are many interesting stories. For one, it is widely accepted that players do things depending on the streak they are in. Sometimes, a player that has a strong game may repeat every step in his preparation for the following games.

Other athletes will never touch lines. Baseball pitchers rarely touch the white lines. There could be many explanations and each hurler may have his own. I suspect that it's because smudging the white lines that separate fair balls from foul ones may make a call go against them in later innings as the umpire may think that the ball, and not their foot, touched the line.

Hockey players are the same -- from goalies that talk to their post, to others who jump over the blue line that separates the defensive zone from the neutral zone. Current Colorado goaltender, Patrick Roy, admitted to talking to his goalposts in his rookie season with the Montreal Canadiens when he won the championship -- but only after the playoffs were over. Whatever their madness, there is usually a method to it and this is measured by the win and loss column.

 Step on a crack -
Nobody wants to break their mothers back. I know my mom's back has had some problems and she doesn't need me breaking it. The only reason I mention this old saw is because it was my first remembered introduction to luck/superstition. You mean to tell me that if I step on a crack I'll break my moms back?! this was fascinating to me. how is it that these cracks know who everyone's mother is? And more importantly why doesn't the city do something about it? can't they pour crackless concrete? or better yet make sidewalks out of cobblestones so we don't have to spend our mornings walking to school avoiding chiropractic peril on
our moms.

Rabbit's foot 

A rabbit's foot is considered lucky by many, if carried in a pocket. Although many people opt to hang them from rearview mirrors and the like, this lucky charm's influence dates back to 500BC. The claim that rabbits are rather prolific was linked to luck, especially when it came to the life of others. But because of rabbits' proximity to land, their fertility was believed to help families with their crops, and as a result, general finances and family.

Those in Ancient times believed that because the rabbit's strong hind legs touched the ground before its front ones did, the rabbit's foot was a powerful charm against evil.

superstition Everyone knows that if you see a genuine falling star, you are guaranteed one wish. It can be anything of course, but the rules on star wishing are pretty vague to say the least. apparently there is not time limit on granting this wish. So if I wish for say 1 million dollars. The falling star just says 'well, over the course of your life, you will make 1 million dollars sooooo, I guess my work is done here see ya!' Darn, I gotta stop wishing for 1 million dollars


superstitionThis something of some permanence and usually unusual in nature but not always. Talismans are knowns to endow the bearer with strange mystical powers and rare luck. I've had many lucky things. The lucky Rabbits foot is among the most recognizable but I never owned one. I believe the standard rejoinder against the rabbits foot is 'It wasn't lucky for the Rabbit was it?'. True, but we don't think of luck in terms of others. Luck is always relative and specific to each person evaluating it. I have had lucky rocks, lucky kids meal toys, lucky casino chips, lucky dice, lucky credit cards, lucky ID cards. With so many lucky things, you'd think I would be brimming with luck. Well I am. I couldn't be much more lucky really. I'm certain that my lot in life was helped in some small way by all of those items.

superstitionWalking under a ladder 

Early Christians believed that any ladder that was leaning formed a triangle, with the wall and ground being the other two sides. This triangle supposedly represented the Holy Trinity, and walking through it violated it: a religious faux-pas rendering you a devil. As you can imagine, such a devil label was not going to improve your life, hence bringing you bad fortune. 

As public lynching grew in popularity, so did the preferred method of hanging. As a result, ladders were used to remove the corpse from the pole. If anyone were to walk under it, they would essentially be coming face to face with death as the hangman would catch their eyes.

With time, a more obvious reason for this superstition was the logical assumption that anyone on a ladder was doing some kind of work that was dangerous or potentially messy. From public hangings to public paintings, stay away from the ladders. 

You can avoid bad luck (if you believe in that sort of thing) by walking under the ladder backwards and making a wish.

This one is more of a fortune teller than a lucky thing, but who doesn't want to know they are getting money? And better yet, they get advanced warning! Thank goodness. Without advanced warning, who knows what I would have done with my precipitous windfall? I may have just blown it on something that was a little bit more expensive than I could afford thus increasing my used credit and lowering my credit score. What? I couldn't qualify for the loan to buy my house? BAD LUCK. I guess I'll have to move to somewhere a little less posh.

superstition7 years bad luck superstition

Originally, reflections were perceived as glimpses of the viewer's soul. It was also for this reason that reflections from water were used as a window into one's soul. With time, some would hurl rocks into the still water to shatter the reflection and disrupt their "soul-searching," and effectively bring about bad luck. As times have changed, the broken mirror superstition has taken on a larger dimension and is, in fact, the equivalent of the still water rippling about. 

There are two theories as to why a person was sentenced to seven years of bad luck, as opposed to another number:

A) Romans believed that life would renew itself every seven years and that a person's life could be transferred to a mirror. If the mirror breaks, then the last person who looked into it was believed to be in bad health and would continue to be in bad health for the next seven years of their life -- until, that is, they got their renewed life.

B) The other explanation was simply that the number seven was linked to the differing phases of the moon.

5. Finding a Horseshoe
superstitionIf you find a horseshoe in an open field- you should consider yourself to be extremely lucky. When you find it, you are required to use your right hand to pick it up, cover one end with your spit, wish for something spectacular and then throw it over your shoulder- make sure it is the left one because otherwise, all that activity will bear no fruit.

superstitionsFriday the 13th

Ever step into apartment 13? How about get off the elevator on the 13th floor? Chances are that few, if anyone has, because for as far back as we can remember, we are told to beware of 13, especially when the 13th day of the month falls on a Friday. Believers suggest that Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden on a Friday, Noah's weather troubles started on a Friday, and last but not least, Christ was crucified on a Friday as well. In fact, 13 was unlucky even before Jesus' time. The Hammurabi Laws, for example, skip number 13. 

Why is Friday so denigrated? Christians point to the 12 witches -- tack on one devil and you get 13. But 13 was unlucky for Jesus as well: if you recall, Judas was the 13th guest at the final supper, and ultimately betrayed him. But history has also helped this superstition gain credibility: centuries ago, France's King Philip and The Pope put out the death warrant for the Master of the Knights, Jaques DeMolay -- the date was Friday October the 13th, 1307.

Others would argue that Friday the 13th is only unlucky for men, as calendars used to have 13 months to match the 13 phases of the moon. While mankind changed this to 12 months, women's natural 13 cycles stayed intact. As well, Friday is ruled by Venus, which represents women anyway. So stay home and rent a movie instead.

What this research demonstrates beautifully is how easy it is for superstitions like tempting fate to be formed. We absorb superstitions from around us, especially vigilant for their occurrence and reinforced by any events that fit the pattern, conveniently forgetting events that don't fit. Then the fast, automatic processes of our minds automatically anticipate the regret we might feel in the future, trapping us in a reinforcing loop.

Do we Have the right to die

Right to die,Do we have the Right to die?have you ever thought about this,well i guess no because you don't need to,but for once think Do we have the Right to die?NO according to constitution and laws of many countries we Don't have right to die.But why?Every human Being Born in this world has The "right to Life" so why don't we have the Right to die.we can debate on this for our rest of life.
Right to die

Before righting this article i asked many people that Do we have the right to die?and guess what most of the reply that i received were positive.Majority of the people said that Yes we should Have the Right to die.Any many of them were arguing that why shouldn't we have the right to die if we don't want to live any more.Right to die depends on persons situation.Do we have the right to die? for many people this question can be just an topic but many people this question can be the question of there life.

Many person are living artificial life known as "persistent vegetative state" against there wishes.They want to die but can't,no chance of recovery lying on the bed motionless,in this situation i strongly believe that we should have the right to die.

Govt. has give us many rights,right to education,right to information,right to freedom,right to life etc so why didn't we provide with our right to die.It can be a hard question even for Govt. to answer.

Many people consider those person who commit suicide as coward,But can we say that they were really coward without knowing there situation.Sometime Human loose all the hopes to live and in the end commit suicide.I strongly believe that Right to die depends on persons situation as i said above.Choosing death is not an easy decision but sometime it can be really easy for one person.

The right to die,As i said that we can debate on this for our rest of life.But i feel that we should have the right to die.Like we have right ti live,right to freedom.We should also given our right to die.

Getting ready for new school year

The new school year is an anxious time and exciting for children and parents alike. There is lots to be done and lots more to look forward to. The first thing you will need to organise yourself. Preparation can sometimes seem chaotic, and it becomes easy to forget important things. List out the things that need to be done and check them off a list to make sure that you don’t miss anything.
After the vacations children find themselves used to a body-cycle that is unfit for school. They are now accustomed to waking up late, spending their time playing, watching television, etc. and sleeping late. In order to prepare your child for the new school year you need to help him/her get their body cycle back to normal. You will need to encourage them to sleep and wake up on time at least a week before school actually starts. This way, once school begins they will not find themselves feeling drowsy, sleepy or distracted during class hours.
The new school year also means new supplies. Take a trip to the shopping mall and make sure to buy everything your child needs. This includes books, stationery, clothes, shoes, a lunch box, bag and water bottle if required and other utilities specific to your child. You may have a few things from the last school year that could still be used, but if they are worn and torn it would be better to buy a new piece.
Talk to your child about school. Let him know that the holidays are almost over and that school is going to begin soon. Make it something he/she looks forward to. Have a chat about the classes they will go to, about the changes, if any, in school timings, location, or any other system. If your child is accustomed to certain things at school and they go back to find them missing they might be confused.
Bring the vacations to a full circle. Talk about the things that happened while there was a holiday. Sit with your child and write an essay or make a scrap book ofpictures. This makes it easier to round off the holidays and come to terms with the new school year.
For your own piece of mind, find out who the new teacher will be, if any. If your child has any special requirements, talk to the teacher in advance about them. Don’t put too much pressure on your child about going back to school in the new year. Let him/her know that it will not be too different from before and that they will be going back to school to learn and to have fun.

Five ways to promote your website

promote website Many people have a website built and think that the flood gates will simple open up and that all sorts of internet traffic will come pouring in, but the truth is that with so many millions of websites out there you have to effectively promote your website in order to start the flow of traffic and keep it going. While there are many services that they can promote your website for free and can get you tons of traffic, there is a lot you can do for yourself first that will cost you little to no money and will actually promote your website

Of the Many different ways to promote your website, There are five ways through which you can promote your website.these 5 tips always work to promote website

1.Pay Per Click or PPC:it's one of the most effective way to promote website PPC is exactly what it sounds like; you pay every time someone clicks the link that takes them to your site. How it works is you set up an ad with Google or another search engine and you choose specific keywords. When someone conducts a search with those keywords and your ad pops up on the side the visitor can click the link and see your site. If they do then you are charged a fee, if not, no fee is charged. This can be a great way to promote website.Getting traffic through PPC 
always work if you want to promote your website then You can try Pay per click advertisement.

2.Articles: Article writing is another way to promote website and get website traffic By writing articles about the industry you are in and submitting those articles to article directories you can begin to promote your website and start getting website traffic. With each article directory there will be a chance for you to supply a link to your website and if someone reads your article and likes the information they will more than likely click that link to get to your website.Article writing is very effective to promote website.there are many article site available in on internet through which you can promote your website.

3.Social Networking:Using facebook,twitter,orkut,G+ and etc to promote website is another way to get free website traffic  Use these social networking giants to post links to articles you have written or just offer something special that only your friends and followers can enjoy.It's a very effective way to promote your website.There is no loss on trying this technique to promote your website.These social giants have help many people to promote website and you can be one of them.

4.Get Active: Whatever your business is there are bound to be blogs and forums with all sorts of people talking about what is going on. If you can offer insightful comments and show everyone that you are in fact an authority within the industry then your good reputation will grow and so too will your website traffic.Getting active is necessary to promote website.

5.Press Releases: A well written press release that you write is a great way to promote your website again show your prowess in your industry. When written in an engaging and interesting way, more traffic to your website is all but guaranteed.

While these techniques do require some time on your part in order to accomplish, if the end result is added target specific website traffic then your job to promote your website will be a success. You can always hire someone down the road if you feel that you want to, but at least at first you can effectively increase your own website traffic with little to no money out of pocket.Promote website by using these techniques it will lead you to some website traffic.